Can I see an external health professional?

  • Yes – you are able to see a health professional external PCB
  • We do ask that you take a copy or email a copy of the Health Professional Report form.

What happens if I forget to take a Health Professional Report Form?

  • Ask if the physiotherapist can access the website and download the report form via the injury rehabilitation tab.
  • If that isn’t possible, ask the treating professional to provide a report on any relevant findings and recommendations.

How and when do I contact ADP in regards to an injury?

  • Report it as soon as possible via email or first thing in the morning at the ADP Hub.
  • We want to avoid having the student-athlete informing ADP staff during general physical preparation (GPP) sessions as it doesn’t allow ADP staff to carefully plan exercise adjustments.

What is the cost of the physiotherapy service that is provided by PCB?

  • For all ADP Student-athletes the initial appointment is free-of-charge
  • Further assessments/treatment are at the individual’s expense (including any products purchased)

What type of health professional do you recommend I see?

  • We recommend that you see an allied health professional

This can include:

  • A Physiotherapist that treats sporting injuries in youth athletes.
  • An Accredited Exercise Physiologist if injuries are long-term (>3 months).

*These Health Professionals have a minimum of 4 years of tertiary education at University that contain sufficient knowledge to assist in providing assistance in your return to sport.

If I am injured, can I pick to participate in squad trainings and not GPP classes?

  • We believe the model of our program is structured in that we place an emphasis on the GPP component of the program.
  • With a modified program prescribed to the student-athlete, they should be able to complete these before participating in a modified technical squad training.
  • The student-athlete should not return to full Technical Squad training, until they can complete a non-modified GPP program.

Am I still expected to attend technical squad sessions if I am injured?

  • Yes, unless the injury is limiting your ability to attend (i.e., post-surgery).
  • Your Technical Squad Coach will provide you with modified drills and skills that take into account the injury and recommendations made by your physiotherapist and strength and conditioning staff.
  • Please contact your Technical Squad Head Coach.

When can I return to a non-modified GPP session and full Technical Squad Training?

  • This is influenced by the treating health professional’s opinion and recommendations on whether the student-athlete is ready to return to full Technical Squad training.
  • The strength and conditioning staff will utilise information provided by the physiotherapist and their own knowledge of the progress of the injury. The nature of the modified GPP programs are gradually progressive therefore aim to return the student-athlete to pre-injury status or to a higher level.

When can I return to full competition?

  • This is based on the student-athletes response to the non-modified GPP and Technical Squad training and the treating health professional’s opinion.
  • A Health Professional Report should be provided to the relevant coaches prior to a return to full competition.

Soreness VS Injury

  • Soreness can be identified as discomfort of the body after periods of exercise. This is often a normal response to exercise due to the stressors placed on the muscles especially after school-holidays.   This feeling should resolve within 48-72 hours.
    • During GPP classes, program modifications can be made for the single class.
  • Injury can be broken down into acute injury or chronic injury. With an acute injury, it occurs due to a sudden event such as rolling your ankle or landing inappropriately.  Whereas, a chronic injury often occurs due to overuse of a particular part of the body that lasts for longer than 3 months.
    • This is when a structured rehabilitation plan with an altered GPP program will be prepared.